We all are constricted by Kronos A.K.A “Time”. We all are held hostage by the hours in a day down to 
our last breath. Victims of the great devouring god! Everything we do in this physical world is within 
the boundaries of time and space, and so we all bow our heads, to the god of time and space, Kronos!
No one can escape it.. well that is if you are alive in a body.
We know this to be true time is either working against you or you are good at working with it. Those 
that make no effort to manage there time are those that are always falling short, not completing goals, 
and not living life to the fullest. They are those that feel trapped, controlled, failing, useless, and 
inevitably feeling beat down. If we don't grab time by the hairs and manipulate it into what we want it 
will run us over like a bus in a blizzard!
Ok enough with the metaphors ha ha ha. Seriously it is time we are all working against so why do most 
not work with the time they have in a manner that produces the successful life they want? The answer 
is….Aliens! Actually I dont know. For years I was one of those slaving away and getting run over by 
the bus called time. When I made the move to open my first brick and mortar I would work sometimes 
fifteen hour days and have barely anything to show for it. I realized there had to be something I was 
missing, Some key aspect that wasn't getting me to my goals and targets.
Low and Behold it was time management. Currently my life is full of time management. I live by it and
I dont know how anyone does anything without it. I schedule my daily routines of meditation and 
rituals, my diet and exercise, my business has an automatic booking system that schedules my 
appointments, and I dont do anything with friends or family without planning out the date. 
And if your working to be a writer or even a blogger then you absolutely have to manage your time. 
Why? Well ill say this, all those times you feel like your not accomplishing anything, getting anywere. 
That your just spinning your wheels. Its because you have no way to track progress in your life. And 
time management is a way to see your progress and feel accomplished in real time. You have a goal, 
you give yourself the time you think to complete it, you dedicate one, two hours a day doing it, and the 
deadline comes and whala! Its complete. And you feel like you have super powers and can accomplish 
For this reason time management equals success or folly! If you see your goals completed and you 
can track your progress in the things you do you are less likely to give up, to get lazy, or to falter.
And once you begin to see progress from managing your time you will begin to set more goals, set the 
bar higher, and achieve things that you had thought impossible for you and your life.
I have lots of clients and to most of them I recommend meditation. One of the biggest problems and the
worst excuse I hear is “ I dont have time” this is bull crap! The average person spends anywhere from 
one to six hours at a time on facebook. SIX HOURS! Thats crazy, doing what? Swiping your finger on 
a screen looking at something that wont benefit you in any way. And if you are not doing that you are 
watching TV for hours at a time. Its not that people dont have time to do great things with there lives. 
They are just placing no importants on time at all, and they are so comfortable wasting there lives and 
there time. This is saying that your comfort is more important than your dreams and goals because 
those are your actions. Many people say “ I want this or that goal” but they dont work for it and I mean 
rally work for it. I mean there are kids in Zimbabwe that walk 10 miles to go to school. And there are 
kids here in the USA that walk a block and could care less about education. Your actions are saying 
what you really want. For most wasting time is called “ relaxing” Why would they think this is

relaxing? Well in an over stimulating society doing something that takes away stimulation and makes 
us for the lack of a better term “ brain dead” feels like relaxation.
The thing is that all that time is better spent on our goals and the things we desire to do. One of my 
clients is a single mother of three, she has a waitressing job, another job cleaning hotels, goes to school 
part time and has a side business selling health products. Mind you I am writing this during the COVID
time so she is also somehow raising kids and getting them schooling online because they are all small. 
On top of this she meditates daily. When I gave her a reading I saw that she was going to also be going 
into real estate and a couple other side businesses. She bought a house and wants to travel and do even 
more. She told me there was a period in her life were she was “ run over by time” it was just slipping 
away and nothing was happening. She decided to start managing her time. This was when her life 
turned around, she found she had lots of time she could fill. So she started school and then the next 
thing. Now she is so invigorated she is addicted to accomplishing her goals. Why? Because she is 
seeing progress in real time with time management. SO don't waste your time use it to have the life and
wellbeing that you want!
I personally track everything in my life. For a successful diet you have to track it. Otherwise you have 
no idea whats going on. For anything if you cannot track it you do not know. I make a weekly schedule 
of how my day will go from waking up to working the hours I work to sleeping. This lets me see in real
time what im accomplishing. And of course life dosn’t always work with our plans. In fact it almost 
never does but if you begin to manage and track your time you will gradually get a hold on your life 
and mold it to be what you want. When it comes to meditation if you want to be able to meditate for an
hour straight, well you better time your sessions and work up to it. Any athlete will tell you that they 
didn't start out running the mile in under a minuet. No they timed themselves and tracked there 
progress. And then they did the next step in in accomplishing there goals. They moved the bar UP ever 
so slightly until one day BAM! They did it, a mile in under a minuet, and its repeatable. This is called 
the set point, many people fail on diets or goals because once they reach a comfort zone they accept 
that point and dont progress. In fact thats were most digress. They say I want to loose 20 lbs and get 
muscle definition. They drop 10lbs and look good and they start cheating on there diet, and loosing 
momentum and inevitably fail. Because they felt good loosing 10lbs. But they didn't push the comfort 
zone they didnt stick to the set point. And then there are those who drop the 20lbs and platue they dont 
get anything more then that. It because they didnt move the set point, and push it a little further. 
Then there is the inevitable WILL POWER. Will power is not some special thing. ITs just forcing 
yourself to do what you know is right in the moment instead of what you desire to do. For many of us 
thats eating fruit when we want a snickers bar. We often fail and fall to our desires instead of whats 
right. If we were to just force ourselves to do half only half of what we know is good for us instead of 
falling prey to that whiney brat called the ego who wants nothing but to me in comfortable non 
threatening situations its whole existence. Then we would all be happier healthier succesful people.
We could meditate for hours, have the body we want, have the opportunities and reach our goals like 
we want. Feel success in all our endeavors. All we have to do is force ourselves to do what we know.

SO if you want to meditate more or longer what can you do? TIME YOUR SESSIONS, Then increase 
the time. Everyone can take ten twenty minuets away from there screen time and put it to use in 
meditation. Everyone can take an hour off of netflixs and use it for exercise or for spiritual practice. 
Everyone can do 10 push ups a day. Really there is absolutely no excuses. Yet here we are. All of us 
falling short of our goals, wasting time on bull shit that doesn't enrich our lives at all. And that 
contributes to your stress and depression. DO YOU WANT TO BE HEALTHY? Then force yourself to 
eat the shit that you dont want to instead of that donut! And you know what, you don't even have to like
doing it. You can bitch and moan and yell about how it sucks, but just do it god damn it and live longer 
and bitch longer and look better and feel better for many more years.
There is definitely no excuse. Im sure you are saying “oh well MR. Phoenix heart what about this and 
that” NO! NO! NO! Its that simple. You either want it or you dont and your actions determin if you do 
or not! Plain and simple. Human beings have amazing will power and there bodies can handle the 
craziest things, and there minds can be phenomenal. Its been seen many times, its been proven many 
times recorded for you to read about. YOU WANT TO READ MORE BOOKS? Well force yourself to 
read for an hour. You dont have to retain all the info, or memorize the book Just read it. There you just 
read a book dosnt that feel good?
It really simple you dont need a magic spell, or another self help video like the fucking secret to help 
you manifest your dreams. You already have that power its called what? willpower, “which is forcing 
yourself to do what you know is right when you dont want to do it”
And what are the techniques to being successful? Time management, and tracking your progress.
And what do we do if we get stale and are not gaining anymore? We move the set point.
We all want happiness, health, and to live our dreams. It is hard to make these things happen because 
our greatest enemy is ourself. The struggles are always internal you dont ware any bruises. And you 
dont have any badges for success. But you can see these things through tracking and time management.
So if you want to be abetter meditator, be healthier, be smarter, a writer, or have a business. Learn the 
things I am talking about here and apply them they will greatly benefit your life if you do.
So if you are like me prone to procrastination, loves there comfort, but has all these goals. Better look 
in the mirror and face the truth. Our actions probebly arnt lining up to what we say we want and we can
bet that we are probebly not maneging our time well. To boot we are also not setting good goals.
Setting goals is easy you say you want this and then get it right? Wrong. We set for ourselves the worst 
expectations. We dream big too big for our station. The old axiom “ crawl before you walk” fits well 
here. If you want to be 210lbs of pure muscle and you are currently 250lbs of mainly jelly. Then 
saying you want to achieve that in 4 months is ridiculous. Well I guess its not if your rich, have no 
financial worries so you don't work and you have a state of the art gym and a killer dietician and 
personal trainer, But you don't. So yeah ridiculous. So a goal like this may better be looked at as a 2 
year plan. So it would be better to set a goal of loosing 10lbs of fat and seeing muscle growth in2 
months. And then moving that set point to another 10lbs and more muscle growth. And tracking the 
progress, managing your time so you can do 35 minuets of work out a day for five days, sticking to 
your schedule even thought the little baby in you called the ego will be uncomfortable and whiney.
And you will start to get the progress, see and feel the resaults, become the goal and then maybe even 
kill that goal faster then you anticipated. So here we have two year long term goal and a short tearm 
goal of two months. Working the short term goal gets us to the long term goal.
Most folks say “ im gana loose 50lbs for my new years resolution, and get sexy for summer” crap 
didn't get there again for the tenth year in a row. And we know why, they had a great idea but no plan 
of action like a short term goal with time management to follow through. Now if you have read this and
had eversion to most of what I have said or nodded your head in agreement that you are your own 
worst enemy well GOOD! Then you are getting it. Now if you can just force yourself to do whats right 
even when your ego is screaming no! And apply time management, good and realistic goal setting, and 
continue to move the set point. You will be kicking some serious ass with your goals. 
My goal for the day was to write this before 10am I started at 8:30 am its now 9:49. I finished it. the 
point is I gave myself the time and I accomplished my goal, i feel pretty damn good!

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