The soul retrieval

                                                             The Soul Retrieval
What is a soul retrieval? Well lets first come to an understanding of the soul. There are many books by many people That have many view points on the soul. Here I will explain the soul from the spiritual view points from the traditions I am trained in.

For many people they use the word spirit and soul interchangeably. This is not wrong they are in fact the same but they are different. Let me explain. One comes to realize at some point he is much more than the body and in fact we live beyond this material plane. For now lets agree that there is a casual plane that is the highest and there we have the majority of our “essence”. This essence or “spirit” is formless infinite self sustaining and pure. Nothing can corrupt it. It was never born and will never parish. It cannot be injured or ill’ed. And from here we project a “portion” a “sliver” of our formless self down into the denser realms all the way into the physical. This portion has all the traits of the pure “essence” but now also has traits of the denser material realm as it is now part of that realm.

This is the part that is off the “essence” but is now manifest in the material and takes part of it as well is what we call the Soul. It partakes of all the denser realm and is subject to it as it is part of that realm “fused” if you will. So this part can be eroded like sand and rock, polluted and muddied like water. Yet it has more than just this material portion still, it has its higher portions interweaved.

Here the reader must contemplate these things and en-devour to experience these things as truth in himself.
Lets move on. As we have found that the projected part of the “essence” is now in the material dense realm we can see this “soul” as the physical body, The emotional/ astral, and the mental. All these live in the world of density and are subject to this realm and can be corrupted!

Now this corruption can take many forms and ways. But when it comes to a trauma of an intense magnitude or when you are a child and there is a significant situation which would seem traumatic because of your vulnerability. The soul which is the three levels of the body Takes a huge hit and like a “force field” takes damage. A piece retreats and the soul heals itself by filling the damage much like the skin heals and forms a scab from a laceration.

So this “damage” dosnt kill you, you might not even be too aware of it because it leaves virtually no physical evidence.
You may say well cant I get this piece back myself? The answer is yes. But it may take your whole life to heal through one or two missing pieces and you have 5 to 10. especially since you are almost completely unaware that there is damage or even where and def not what caused it. Why? Because you have scabbed it and you seem fine.

“well if im doing ok why do I need a soul retrieval any way?”
well If you are living a good life but still just are not happy even though you should be. If you have deep feelings of anger or hate, or depression even though life is good.
If you have trouble concentrating having to read the same thing over and over and still cant retain it. If you have ever been blacked out or unconscious. If you have experienced a Major illness from disease or accident. All these things are just some of the many symptoms that you may need a Soul retrieval.

You see The SOUL has a song a vibration that it gives off that it resonates at a frequency. When it has all its pieces it can be filled with the joy and peace of its full potential and purpose. But when it has pieces missing it is flat like an out of tune instrument. The song is low and less then its harmonic potential.

So when the shaman goes ant journeys (and by journey I do not mean simply meditating with a drum. The shaman can actually leave or “dislodge” his body and take flight with his other senses.)
he travels to a casual realm and finds those pieces that have been lost. He then brings those pieces back and puts it back into you on that causal level and it ripples down into the material realm. As it is law that if something in this physical world can affect your soul so can the soul affect the body as they are integrated.
Once the piece of the soul is back, you may not just get up and declare the most epic thing has happened to you. But you might. The process can be intense I have experienced it that way and also seen it. For some it is more subtler. It starts slow and happens gradual. You MUST go through changes after this there is no way you will NOT be AFFECTED! You most certainly will see the change but it may be in hindsight.
You can expect this like emotional changes, state of mind and more. I once had a client who seemed fairly meek and soft spoken. After three sessions the next time I saw her she was dressed to kill spoke loudly and clearly and glowed. All the men in the room couldn't help but look her way. She had most certainly became a whole new person. To this day she remains healthy and powerful and following her purpose. She went from one career to a complete 180 change of field in less than a year. Now not everyone will experience it so drastically. She certainly did not from the first session. But by the third she had retrieved enough to become the person that she had wanted to feel,be,and act like.

If you feel you may want to explore this as a healing modality for yourself then please contact me for a consultation at Michaelphoenixheart.Net

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