The difference of True KNOWING and Knowing
The difference of True KNOWING and Knowing
What I have found in
my many years working and living in the metaphysical movement and
spiritual movements of the 20th century as a professional
is that most people who hold the title as spiritualists take in all
sorts of spiritual books, seminars, and various other “knowledges”
and wisdoms, most of them taught by people like themselves who are
not proficient in a craft or who have no mentors or fountains of
wisdom as they are called in the east. And continue to teach other or
perpetuate falsities, the subjects of new age buzz craze pseudo
philosophies, and half truths to there fellow spiritualists some
times in the attempt to secure there own place in recognition as a
spiritual being among there peers. They will claim all sorts of
“knowings” from there “guides” or the book they just read
thats popular on the opra list. But Enlightenment, and knowing has
never come out of a book and made a saint, a prophet, or a highly
attained person ever!!!
What I have
Witnessed for years is a perpetuation of false knowledge or half
truths in this world and it is in the spiritual worlds as well. The
best thing one can do is make sure that those they learn from
actually are learned themselves from people that are actually
educated in the field they are teaching. For one does not want to
learn the dis-arming of explosives from anyone other than an expert.
One of the ways is to ask who there teachers are, or the sources of
there wisdoms. A well taught , humble, and authentic person will
disclose there education and not get defensive.
Now many “self
taught” people will undoubtedly be upset with this article. But my
aim is not to discredit but to show rational truth even in the
spiritual light. And there are always the rare exception though it is
extremely RARE! A mentor of mine in the shamanic world said “
Michael always tell the people you teach, were your knowledge came
from, rather it was from books, teachers, spirits, dreams or what
ever that is. Give them the ability to choose if they want to learn
what you have to give” This was powerful to me and I took it to
heart as it is what I would want from a teacher, Transparency and
The truth is it is
rare to find those that have spent adequit time with ONE subject let
alone several. And there is a difference not often seen, or thought
about between different types of spiritualists, and those that are
initiated and adept in there particular sphere of spiritual work.
There is a distance as vast as an ocean between those two kinds of
spiritual people and the knowledge they hold.
A lot of people ask
me about enlightenment and how does one “Know” when they are
enlightened. One of my masters said to me when I asked that same
question “you will know!” this is vary cryptic and took a couple
years of meditation and dialectic contemplation before I “Knew”
Many spiritual
people will say that they “know” something. Like I know that I
am not this body. But rare is it that spiritual seekers are deep
divers on ONE subject, if divers at all, and even more rare is the
true philosophical diver! Knowing is part of enlightenment, it is one
of those things that puts more “ air in the balloon” if you will.
That makes it rise higher and higher. It can be seen as its own
attainment and when one “knows” about “knowing” they find it
on there way more and more in there spiritual evolution.
There are many forms
of things that people call enlightenment. Here are a couple that are
liken to enlightenment but are not the actual thing. Equally as
important and attainments in there own right. From lowest to highest,
Deja vu ,“AHA” moments, Mentanoia, Realizations, Knowing, Gnosis.
All of these can be on a subject or about ones self. These are just
a few of the links in the chain. There are varying degrees of each of
these before getting to the actual Gnosis of the thing.
I will not en-devour
to define each of the terms above one can do there own research here.
So there is a
difference between Knowing and “Knowing” something and its not
easy to define. But lets give two examples. When someone says “i
know ive been here before” like in deja vu and “ I know im one
with god and the universe” this is implying two kinds of knowing.
One is something that you “Know” with every fiber of your being,
and the other implies knowing something with the mind.
These are two
obvious kinds of knowing if you have experienced them both. One is a
knowledge that comes seemingly from withing and permeates all that is
outside you. Your flesh, your senses, your mind and so on. The other
is more local. It exists in one place and does not permeate the
“inner” space. So here we have a basis of definition.
We find that this
“true knowing” comes from something beyond our five senses yet
permeates them and pervades them. It affects the mind it does not
have its origin in the mind! And this knowing is so deep that it
makes a change on all three levels of the soul. Mental, Physical, And
Emotional. Were the other kind of knowing is only in the mental
sphere. So here we have a good idea of “Knowing “ something
spiritually. It is something that has come from somewhere other than
our minds, affects and changes us in all ways through the experience
of it in our vary being, and brings us to a knew level!
Next time someone
says they know something you will have a good basis of comparison.